From your electronics-lab you need...
2 | Breadboards |
1 | 9V Block Battery |
1 | Batteryclip 9V |
1 | Set of Jumpers |
These electronic components you need...
4 | Pushbutton Switches |
1 | LED 5mm |
1 | Resistor 470 Ω (yellow, purple, brown), 1/4W |
1 | Resistor 100 kΩ (brown, black, yellow), 1/4W |
4 | Resistors 1 MΩ (brown, black, green), 1/4W |
1 | Capacitor 1nF |
1 | Electrolytic Capacitor 10 μF, 16V |
2 | C-MOS IC4013 DIP (2 D-Flip-Flops) |
2 | C-MOS IC4027 DIP (2 JK-Flip-Flops) |
1 | C-MOS IC4069 DIP (6 NOT gates) |
1 | C-MOS IC4081 DIP (4 AND gates) |
Helpful in setting up the experiments is a pair of tweezers. Often you have to move components or jumpers in confined spaces.