Experiment 1 - Feedback
What it meant by the definition a flip-flop or latch is a
"bistable multivibrator
that can assume and store two stable states"?
First, you examine how a logic gate can store a value.
For this you need the concept of feedback.
OR gate with feedback.
Consider again an OR gate.
In the diagram shown the result
is connected to the input of the same gate.
This is called feedback.
Initially, this logical circuit behaves quite normal...
- If A
= 0, then Q = 0 if,
and only if the value of Q
had already been 0.
- Turns A
= 1, then Q = 1.
Circuit of an OR gate with feedback.
(Enlarge) |
So far so good.
But now something new happens.
You can no longer influence the outcome of
No matter what value you put to the input
the result remains
= 1...
An OR gate with feedback stores if ever was
A = 1.
With the circuit shown you build this
"storage unit".
In the next experiment, you look at the second part of Definition:
What is a bistable multivibrator?