Experiment 1 - The Storage Unit (D Flip-Flop)
In order to understand the functioning of shift register,
you first take a look what is meant by the term
"storage unit".
The smallest storage unit consists of one D flip-flop.
A single D flip-flop stores one bit...
Circuit diagram 1-bit storage unit using a D flip-flop.
Circuit 1-bit storage unit using a D flip-flop.
With each clock signal
the D flip-flop stores the value present at that moment at the
D input (Data).
Practical Note
In the circuits you are using C-MOS4013 with
two D/RS flip-flops.
To make sure that the circuit works correctly,
you must set both R and S to 0!
More on this later...
In the next experiment, you set up a
2-bit shift register...